Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Eighth Month

Friday marked the close of Hadassah's eighth month of outside-the-womb life. This girl is so amazing, and our family is a much more full of life, love, and joy because she's in it. ;-)
  • Pulls up on anything that is taller than she is. Literally anything. This has caused disaster more than once, and funny experiences a few times as well.
  • Can crawl seemingly faster than the speed of light!
  • Cruises on furniture and the wall
  • Has demonstrated the ability to get up at least 2 steps in our new house (I haven't let her try more than that)
  • Is not afraid to crawl off high surfaces (this is unfortunate, but has not resulted in injury yet as a parent has always been there to help her down)
  • Idolizes Ben and follows him everywhere he goes-she still thinks he is hilarious!
  • Likes food in small doses, especially fruit
  • LOVES to nurse, especially when she's tired, hurt, and of course hungry!
  • Smiles a lot! Sweet girl also sings.
  • Has a single tooth in her mouth which is VERY sharp and also large (ask me how I know! Haha!).
  • Unlike Ben at this age, she puts everything in her mouth...which combined with her freedom of mobility is quite interesting!
  • She's about 50/50 with pooping on the potty. While I would prefer a higher "catch" rate, I'll take what I can get!
  • Sweet girl LOVES to snuggle. We should be getting our finalized furniture setup this week, and at that point we will probably start trying to put her down for bedtime on her own (she has been just sleeping on my tummy until we go to bed, which I LOVE...but makes it hard for me to do work, and I have work that really needs to be done after bedtime now). 
  • She is growing up so fast! I realized this week that she is no longer dwarfed by the potty. Part of that is that our potties are smaller in this house, but feels like she was just born, but we are really closing in on a year now!
  • Her hair is long enough now that if we don't put it up in little pigtails or a whale spout it falls in her eyes. It doesn't stick up anymore, which is bittersweet!
I can't believe that when this month ends, she will have been out of my body the same amount of time she was in. Wow. This roller coaster that is life with kids just doesn't slow down. I love it, but wish I could feel like I was savoring more of it!!

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