Sunday, October 26, 2014

The 9th Month

It's official! Hadassah has lived outside of me longer than she did inside. Time continues to fly by, and changes are so swift. It is a wonderful ride, breathtakingly beautiful, yet tinged with sadness as each stage and moment passes so quickly!
She is well and truly cruising! She pushes a push toy all over the house! She is also starting to let go while standing when she is playing with toys. I suspect we will have a walker on our hands very soon! She crawls at astonishingly swift rates anyway, so I am really not sure walking will mean she can get into anything addition anyway!
She eats just about anything she can get her hands on. Josh has started calling her "cabrita"-little goat-because she will literally attempt to eat anything-paper, ladybugs, and dog food to name a few. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to mind too much when we swoop in and take things out of her hand and/or mouth. Ben helps us out by saying things like "seester! No eat paper!"
She does also enjoy foods of various types. She seems especially enthusiastic about grapes, broccoli, and carrots. She chews food up and then spits it out versus swallowing it, but hey-it keeps her busy and she is learning!
She gives kisses to a few people. She kisses Josh on the nose, me on the chin, and Ben on the cheek. Her kisses are like nursing except she doesn't latch on, and extremely sweet!
Hadassah is madly in love with the men in her life-flirts madly with Daddy and giggles and pats at brother. The two of them often hold hands or pat each other while they nurse-melts mama's heart!
Stranger anxiety has definitely made itself known for our little princess. Unfortunately she includes my family in that category-so only mommy and daddy are "safe zones"-and she crawls after us wailing if she thinks we are leaving, which is very sad. I know it is a normal part of development and she will grow out of this stage soon.
She sleeps so much better than Ben did at this age, which is super helpful! I think she is usually up 4-6 times per night-really not bad given the reverse cycling! She continues to grow and be healthy, so the sleep interruptions are well worth it!
This girl has such an enthusiasm and joy for life! She lives passionately, and we are so deeply in love with her. I am so excited to continue watching her personality develop!

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