Thursday, August 14, 2014

Month 7

Can you tell I'm brain dead? At least too much so to think of a clever title...which is kind of okay since the only reason I really even blog anymore is because I want to give Hadassah a book of photos and monthly blog posts through her first year like the one I did for Ben, and the title gets cut out of those anyway!
Hadassah Grace is 7 months old. More this month than ever before, we have gotten to see her personality unfolding. She is the sweetest little squishy bundle of love!
This month she...
...went from not really being mobile to rolling over, and then quickly to crawling properly. Since Ben didn't really crawl OR walk (or really self-locomote much to speak of) until he was over a year old, this has been a new and interesting experience for us!
...started pulling to a stand...and then letting go. Oh boy...I think this girly is going to be walking soon!
...has found her sense of humor! She laughs most at Ben, as she always has (those 2 continue to absolutely love each other and be soooo incredibly sweet together), but Daddy and I can get some good giggles going too!
...has gotten more consistent with EC, or we have gotten better at reading/responding, or something. Which is good because she also...
...has started eating some solids. We are doing something called "baby led weaning" with her (we also did it with Ben)-we haven't given her rice cereal and we aren't buying jars of baby food for her either. Instead, she gets small bits of smooshy foods (avocado, banana, sweet potato) or pre-smooshed bits of less smooshy foods (broccoli, cauliflower). So far, she is having fun but isn't very aggressively interested in foods-it seems to be more of a game we play for fun at this point. Which is fine.
...has developed a more stable sleep schedule. She has started to want to go down for the night when Ben does (around 7:30-8) and wakes (I think) about 3-5 times on an average night. This is SO incredibly better than what Ben did at this age (8-10 times at night or more)-plus, she is a gentle enough nurser that I can sleep while she is latched which has never been the case before! She would wake on her own around 7-8 on most days I think, though sometimes my early morning departure disturbs her earlier than that.
...has continued to refuse mama milk from any source other than mama. Sigh. She is chunky enough for me to not worry about whether she is getting enough, thankfully!
...has continued to show us who she is: strong, determined, charming, smile that can light up the room (literally), loving, playful, adventurous. I look forward to continuing to get to know this little girl as she grows! She is such a precious treasure!

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