Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ohhh, we're halfway there....

As of today at 8:16 AM, Miss Hadassah Grace has been on this earth (well, outside of me anyway!) for 6 whole months. Whew. That seems so impossibly old-and yet again I am left to wonder-how did it happen so quickly? It seems like we don't really have a small baby anymore already! She sure does bring a lot of joy to our family-and I am so thankful for just about everything about her (including the smaller than popular age difference between her and Ben) and so incredibly happy that she is part of our family!
She can sit up pretty well now. She's still a little wobbly-I would definitely not put her down on the hardwood and then walk away yet, but she does pretty well on a somewhat-firm surface as long as she doesn't get too distracted. She is also soooo close to being able to sit back up on her own as well once she does topple.
She scoots around and is able to make pretty good leeway on the floor (between rolling and scooting she pretty much gets where she wants to go). She tends to go backward or in a circle, although she is capable of going forward. We can't leave her on the bed while we go to the bathroom quite as easily as before (the pillow barricade needs to be in place!)-she has not fallen off yet, but has gotten too close for comfort at least once for each of us, so we aren't taking chances!
She is acting more and more interested in our food, and 6 months means she's almost old enough to start experimenting! I let her suck on a banana with me earlier today and she still has a pretty strong tongue thrust reflex, so we'll keep playing with it but I think she's a few weeks away from "really" starting solids. We have really just given up on the bottle thing. It makes her so angry, and since she is a very healthy 18 pounds (maybe more, we'll find out next week!) we stopped pushing it. She's clearly making up for it at night. She occasionally will eat a "milk pop" (milk frozen in a popsicle tray) but for the most part, she's just reverse cycled and that's the way it is.
She has reached what Josh calls "octopus stage"-she is able to reach things that you would swear were way too far away, and (as she has been since she was born!) she is strong! If she gets a hold of something, it's a bit difficult to pry it from her fingers!
She knows her name and she knows she is cute!
She has a special "daddy smile"-he has her heart for sure! She literally lights up whenever she sees him! She likes to play a game with him where she lunges at his face and chews on his nose. He makes some kind of teasingly dismayed sound and she giggles and smiles and her eyes sparkle!
The other man who has her heart is her brother. Ben can get her to laugh and laugh (the rest of us have yet to elicit more than a sweet little chuckle-but for him, she will belly laugh long and loud and hard!).
She is much more talented in the sleep department than her brother was-we can transfer her (as long as we are careful of course) and she will stay asleep (unlike mister "Unbuckle my seatbelt and I am wide awake"). She also sleeps much better at night than he did-we are probably up anywhere from 3-5 times per night most nights (at this age, he was 8 or more). For this, mommy is most thankful! Another nice thing about this is that she will still sleep well while held, which means I get some snuggle time I might not otherwise get!
She is not nearly as close to EC poop trained as Ben was at this age-kinda sad about this since we are, as previously mentioned, going to be starting solids soon. Honestly, we just haven't been consistent enough. Things have been so crazy since she was born (first Josh's crazy schedule, then I had surgery literally the weekend he graduated, which means not only can I not potty her, but he spends half his day driving me to and from work). Who knows if we will get to the point where she poops just in the potty. I'm not going to stress about it either way. Just like with Ben, I figure every poop caught in the potty is one less to wash, and am happy with whatever we can get! She definitely knows what to do on the potty and will wait to poop in the morning until we take her (that's one time we ALWAYS take her).
Oh, sweet daughter, love of my heart....your beautiful bright blue eyes that sparkle with such joy captivate me! I am so happy that you live with us, and I hope that you feel loved even though Mommy isn't around as much as I would like to be and life for Daddy and Mommy has been pretty crazy the last few months! We look forward to the next 6 and beyond!

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