Saturday, June 28, 2014

5 month update

I really need to write this entry before my sweet girl is 6 months instead of 5!! Life has been crazy this last month-I had surgery, we are trying to move, and work has been insane. I feel like I'm just (barely) surviving the day to day, let alone documenting anything! But I love the photo album I made for Ben where I have blog posts and photos chronicling his first year, and I want to do the same for Hadassah, so here goes!
This month, Hadassah Grace has really been starting to act like an older baby. She has so much to say (VERY loudly!) and she is so strong and active! :-) This little girl has an opinion about just about everything, and she will let you know about it! Her smile is so sweet and precious and her joy is just as passionate and complete as any other emotion she displays, though!
She laughs and smiles pretty readily now. It's so interesting to see what things she thinks are funny! Ben often is in that category, and raspberries or tickling will get her laughing too.
She is head over heels in love with her daddy (and a pretty major flirt with guys in general!). She smiles and bats her eyes at him. Aww!
She REALLY wants to be mobile. She can scoot herself around pretty well on the floor, and I don't think we are too far from crawling. This kid has some crazy strong arms and legs!
She can almost sit up unassisted.
She is such a sweet snuggly baby when she wants to be, but sometimes she is too busy or interested in everything going on around her to snuggle!
She still has crazy hair! It's getting long enough that it can lay down sometimes (and I can pull it into teeny tiny pigtails!) but mostly it still sticks up everywhere.
I am so thankful to say that she sleeps MUCH better at night than her brother did. A normal night is about 3 wakings. We have a few rough ones that are more (5-6) but so far, we have not had any nights where she was up 8-10 times. I am so thankful to be just tired instead of desperately exhausted!
She is starting to show some interest in food that we are eating, so I think trying solids is coming up in the next month or 2! It's crazy to think she is already old enough to be ready for that!
Speaking of eating, she has started being very distractable while nursing (especially at lunch-the one time I need her to eat on a timeline!). Even though she and her brother have been tandem nursing since she was born, any time we try to tandem now, she pulls off to pat/pull his hair and touch his face. Which leads him to pull off and admonish her to use nice touches. LOL!
I feel like I don't have a tiny baby anymore, and it's so strange! I am enjoying watching this sweet girl grow, but as always it is a little bittersweet!

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