Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Half a year?! Already???

First, I should probably apologize. Friends, I have been a bad bloggy friend. :-) I can't even use the excuse of work/busy-ness because I was off for 3 weeks following a surgery. I just haven't been very inspired with fun topics to write about-the things that are weighing on me are pretty heavy and rather depressing, and I don't want to force anyone to read them!
Anyway, today is Ben's 6 month "half birthday." What in the world....I don't even know how we got here. Half a year seems so long, yet it has gone by so quickly. Before I know it, he'll be walking and talking, and then leaving for college!!! (okay, so that's a slight exaggeration, but at the moment it doesn't feel like much of one!) He is definitely getting bigger and more expressive...sadly, he is also realizing that mommy leaves all day and we are dealing with some "consequences" from that.
New things he is doing this month:
He rolls easily and regularly. He can also scoot in a circle. He doesn't seem the have the forward/back thing down yet, but he can do 180s. He tends to push his toys just out of reach and then gets frustrated when he can't get to them.
He is chewing on EVERYTHING! I'm waiting on teeth to erupt any day.
He VERY badly wants to eat big kid food like mommy and daddy. I think we're going to have to start making some purees or something, since I don't know how to let him eat food when he has no teeth (Anna? Lydia?). I actually can't eat OR drink while nursing anymore or he will lose interest in nursing and want what I have.
He is a bit more fussy than he has been in the past. I'm going with his teeth hurting, but I'm not really sure. He definitely needs more intense attention, which wasn't a problem when I was home all day, but is now becoming a bit more challenging.
He can sit up by himself for short periods of time, but doesn't have the best balance yet, so I don't let him do it much because I don't want him to conk his head on our hardwood floor. I want to get an area rug, but the one I want is mucho dinero, and so that's on the "several months from now" agenda.
He LOVES to chew his toes. When we change his diapers, the toes go straight into his mouth..which actually makes diaper changes a little easier!!
He still does poop in the potty, but he had a virus that was making him go ALL THE TIME (seriously..every 30 minutes or more)...so we stopped catching all of them. The virus is gone now, but he still poops more frequently, so we are probably only catching about 50% of them in the potty. Oh well!
I don't really have any new pictures (aside from the ones on facebook already), but there are your half year updates! I wonder if he'll start crawling this month?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't give Sophia purees. I used the baby led weaning method- basically you let them guide their eating by giving soft foods and they gnaw on them. I loved not making purees! Amazon has most of the book online (missing a few pages, but you get the point.) I found the book at the library and the website http://www.babyledweaning.com/ (I think it's a follower.) and the Author's website- http://www.rapleyweaning.com/.
    I think Sophia really enjoyed picking up her own pieces of food and using her hands! and the amazing thing was- they develop a strong(er) gag reflex because they are controlling what goes in their mouth, rather than thinner foods being poured down their mouth.
