Saturday, November 17, 2012


Some days, I think I must be insane. Motherhood has taken a lot from me:
My sleep
My time
My body (though I hope after my procedure on Monday to no longer feel like I gave birth yesterday!)
My looks (the ones I was accustomed to at least!)
My work/life balance (now I feel like no matter how much I'm at home, it's never enough!)
My money
In short: I will never be the same.
And yet...I LOVE being a mother. It is seriously one of the best "jobs" I have ever had in my life. The overwhelming thought in my mind shortly after Ben's birth was, "I'm so GLAD that I am at this stage of my life now." Granted...I have always wanted to be a mother. In fact, when I was a child and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, that's what I would say most of the time. You could say that maybe that was because it's what my Mom did, or what I thought "normal" women did when they grew up...and maybe there's a bit of that in there. But deep down, I think there has always been a pull on me to be a mother.
I know. It's not normal to wake up 9 times in one night (yeah, that's more than once an hour for those of you who, like me, are math challenged and/or short on sleep) and still deeply love and be pleased with the offspring whose requests for nutrition pulled you out of slumber. It's not normal to change the 12th poopy diaper of the day and think that this poopy diaper maker is SO much more wonderful than all the others. It's not normal for your heart to sing at a smile or giggle. Except I think maybe it is for mothers.
It is not all fun and games and delight, don't get me wrong! I'm exhausted, and there are times when I am very tempted to feel sorry for myself and resent the fact that there is literally zero time in the day (or night!) right now that is just for me. And yet...
I love being a mother.
 I mean, come on now-this face is irresistable!

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