Monday, December 31, 2012

We are too cheap to send out a Christmas/New Year's letter... I suppose this will have to do!
2012 was a really crazy year for us, as it turns out! But we all lived through it, more or less in one piece, and we are happy and mostly healthy. :-)
This year began with a move halfway across the country to a FAR more northerly climate than either of us have ever experienced. The winter last year was mild; we'll see what this year has to offer! The first big snow of this winter was today, actually-about 2 inches or so, I think. Snow is beautiful, but can be deadly (well, it's the ice you really have to worry about, and the college student drivers!).
Of course, along with a move came a new job for me. Actually, I have kind of had 2 new jobs. When we moved here, the clinic I was supposed to start for the university wasn't ready, so I was basically a staff therapist for 6 months. When I came back from maternity leave, I moved to my new clinic, which has taken off quickly-so quickly that, less than 4 months after we opened, I had to hire a second therapist. I enjoyed the 6 months of "respite" as "just" a therapist-it's not that I mind the administrative stuff now that I have time built into my day to do it, but it was also nice to take a bit of a break from that for a few months. Now I'm learning the university system, which is worlds apart from a private practice. There are both pros and cons involved, as with anything else.
Oh, and halfway through the year we had a baby! Ben has been SUCH a delight. Parenthood certainly brings many challenges and sacrifices (I had no idea I could survive on such little sleep for so long!) but it is utterly worth it. My only complaint is that he is flying through the stages TOO quickly. My maternity leave flew by in the blink of an eye, and then I turned around and he was 6 months old. Wow. I can truly, sincerely say that this is by far the best thing I have ever devoted my life to, regardless of the sacrifices.
But wait, there's more!
Josh started back to school. He did one class each semester in the summer and fall, and he is hoping to start full time this next semester. If he is able to do that, he should be able to complete a Bachelor's degree in English (concentrated in creative writing) by next spring. We are anticipating a lot of challenge with this as I work full time, he goes to school full time, and we take care of Ben, but he is excited about it. We don't know what doors this will or will not open, but we are trying to trust God and go with it.
Enough changes yet? Somewhere in there, I had my gallbladder removed and also my pelvic floor reconstructed. I've been in the hospital a LOT this year. I think maybe my new year's resolution should be to not be hospitalized for an entire year!
Anyway, we love you all, miss those of you we left behind when we moved, and are looking forward to continuing to live life. I'm sorry I haven't been awesome about updating the blog regularly. I have been feeling overwhelmed with life/work recently, and struggling with deeply desiring to be home more with Ben, but the reality of needing to provide so we can pay the bills. This is a season. Is it for the next year, or the next lifetime? I don't know. I'm trying to be okay with not needing to know. I am still definitely recovering from my most recent surgery, but as I slowly re-enter life in addition to surviving work and caring for my child, hopefully I will see some of you more. I think feeling overwhelmed and exhausted is just part of this season of life, but hopefully we can be in better touch!
May 2013 be filled with blessings for you and yours!

1 comment:

  1. You HAVE had a big year! Jenn, I don't know how you stay afloat; you amaze and almost baffle me. :D I hope you're having a good week and get to see Ben a little extra, but during NORMAL waking hours. (Every one of your FB posts nowadays make me cringe! Up 10 times a night--eek!) Hugs!!
