Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well, I think that pictures are going to have to wait until we get internet at our place! We're back and forth a lot between my parents' house and ours (the benefit of living only about 5minutes apart!) so we do get to use the internet, but pictures from my mom's computer are logisitically challenging for me, so we'll wait until I can do it from my computer.
We just have a couple of stubborn boxes to unpack. Yesterday we went furniture shopping and stimulated the Missouri economy, but I think that the pieces we got will go really great in our house and make it easier for us to have "a place for everything." Our house is very livable, though, so that is awesome. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight!
Today marks my 15th week of pregnancy, or rather the beginning of my 15th week (oh boy, I really need to get on top of finding a doctor for prenatal care...). I still don't think I look very pregnant...I can tell, but I think people who don't know me well probably just think I have a bit of a big belly normally! I have continued to lose weight...not on purpose, it's just happening. I'm not complaining, of course, as I had plenty of extra before this whole thing started. I could continue to lose at the same rate I have been so far (about 2 pounds/week on average) for the rest of the pregnancy and still finish it at a healthy weight for me and the baby. It is kind of odd to have everything shrink except my tummy, which is growing, though!
So far, regarding pregnancy:
Favorites: I actually like my tummy, strange as that probably sounds. The little roundness is a good/reassuring reminder that there is something really awesome going on in there.
I love the freedom I've had in not having to constantly think about food or weight. I have been praying about that being something that can continue after the baby comes...the amount of bondage/pressure I was living under constantly before cannot have been from God, and it's so relieving to not have to worry about it now.
Josh is very cute when he interacts with my belly. ;-)
Least favorite:
Going to the bathroom all. the. time. Really, I like that less than even the nausea (which is going away, thankfully!). I've been told that lets up some in the second trimester, so I hope that is the case.
Well, friends, that's your Sunday afternoon I'm going to go watch football with a bowl full of cherries! :-)


  1. Fun post! I like the belly favorites! :)

  2. I've totally been digging reading about all your prego thoughts!! Thanks for sharing Jen!!!
