Thursday, January 5, 2012

All things must have a beginning, I suppose...

So, yes, it is true, gentle readers...I have at last joined the modern world and started a blog. I know, crazy! We'll see how long/if I can keep up with it, but I thought it would be a fun way to keep up with people, post some pictures about life, etc. A word of warning/disclaimer (for some reason I often find it necessary to give disclaimers about things): some of you are wonderful writers. I do not claim this honor, nor do I think I at all merit it, so please forgive me if some of this is a bit...rough, shall we say. Truly, the purpose of this is to give me a platform to share life with you...for your literature/mind betterment, I'm afraid you'll have to stick to the tried-and-true classics: Moby-Dick, Oliver Twist, Grapes of Wrath, and the like.
So, we have almost kind of sort of completed the moving process! This is very exciting to me, as I feel we have been "in transit" for a long time. We were very sad to leave friends and family behind, but I do think this move will be good for us. Our things arrived yesterday, with fairly minimal damage (in all, 3 things are broken, only 1 of them irreparably), and thanks to help from friends/family and my very hard-working and determined husband, we are nearly unpacked! There is stuff everywhere, of course, but the boxes are mostly empty. Most of what is left to do is the "finishing touches"...putting up curtains, putting pictures on the wall, etc. It is at times like this that I am briefly jealous of people who have a natural gift for decorating. I do not have this gift, and my education (both formal and otherwise) was sadly lacking in this area. As a result, I feel my house can have a very "uncoordinated" look to it. Oh well, home is home, correct?
I have been at my new job for 3 days now (2 extraordinarily boring orientation days and 1 "real day" today) and so far I think I will like it. The pace seems much more relaxed than my former job, which is a very good thing! (and I am basing this on the way my new coworkers work, appear, and interact with each other as much as anything...I know I haven't been there long enough to have a good feel for it!)
I am certain there will be other posts which are more "contenty" than this one...but for now, that is our brief update! Hopefully I will be able to post some photos of our unpacked house soon!


  1. Cool Jen! I'm glad to hear y'all are getting well settled in and that things with work are looking pretty good so far! I look forward to hearing more and perhaps seeing some pics of y'alls new place!!

  2. Jen, I'm SO glad you started a blog!! It's such a good way for me to stay in touch with what's going on with friends.

    Already almost unpacked?! Y'all move fast!! That's amazing.

    I'm so glad to hear your new job is slower-paced. I'm guessing most anything would feel like a piece of cake compared to your former job, though. I'm hoping it stays slow, but not boring. :)

    Post pictures soon!!
