Monday, November 14, 2016

9 Months of Joy

Our sweet, beautiful Elli-bug turned 9 months old last week. This blog post always feels especially significant to me because it means my child has been outside of my body for longer than he/she was in-and every single time it amazes me how quickly that post-natal time flies!
Precious Elli-Joy has definitely grown/changed so much this month! More of her personality is definitely coming through. She has developed definite preferences, but doesn't have the communication ability to match, so she definitely has some moments of extreme frustration when she wants something (or doesn't want something) and we don't give it to her. She has also developed some separation anxiety this month (very normal) and really doesn't like it if mommy walks away. She is also becoming more interested in exploring, which is fun and also slightly anxiety producing as she finds all the little things her siblings have dropped on the floor!
Things Elli loves:

  • Her greatest joy in life is watching a parent (especially mom) brush their teeth! She watches as we prep to do so with this look of eager anticipation...wait for it, wait for it...and then once we start, she lights up and giggles. No idea why she likes this so much, but it is definitely a highlight for her!
  • She loves food. Just about anything, though half the time she chews it up and then spits it out instead of swallowing it. But she is definitely adventurous about flavors and textures. She's not really a fan of purees (which we don't feed her often, but occasionally we will have soup or something and she doesn't enjoy that as much).
  • She loves splashing in the tub! Bonus if siblings are in there with her (she sits in her baby bathtub inside the big tub.
  • She is starting to crawl well and makes her way around the house. But if she gets upset (parent walking away etc.) she seems to forget how and needs someone to come get her. She is also starting to pull up on low items such as boxes. 
  • She can say "Dada" with meaning.
  • She LOVES her brother and sister. Ben likes to carry her around the house (impressive since she is 1/3 his weight) and she loves it too!
  • She adores playing with the cat toy (a pole to bounce feathers off). She knows it's for the cat and loves to shake it at the cat and laugh when she tries to catch it. And then she tries to catch the cat...stinker!
Such a privilege to watch this little one grow...and it happens so fast! Before I know it she will be a full fledged toddler!!

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