Sunday, September 4, 2016

7 Months of Joy

Yes it's true-Elli is 7 months old! I feel like her personality has started to emerge a lot more this month-she is incredibly sweet and usually very happy-though teeth have also emerged this month, and she does not love that process!
Things she loves:
  • Her jumper, especially if one or both of her siblings jump with her!
  • Daddy being clean shaven-he had surgery and didn't shave for a few days and she was NOT a fan of the weird scruffy dude. When he shaved she was so thrilled to have daddy back!
  • Food. She started eating this month and my worries that she might be orally averse have proven unfounded. So far she has tried and loved Apple, avocado, peaches, black beans, watermelon, carrots, and banana. As with her siblings, we are doing baby led weaning and just taking it at her pace.
  • Anything that makes a crinkly sound.
  • Snuggling close in a wrap (preferably with mommys soft pillows but if those aren't available someone else will do), especially if she is sleepy.
  • Soothie pacifiers.
  • Outside.
  • Both siblings (though sometimes Hadassah's preferences for physical proximity are a bit much for her).
  • The bathtub!
Things she doesn't love:
  • Being walked away from (especially by mommy), or being alone in general.
  • Being down for more than about 15 minutes.
  • Diaper changes.
  • Having her hair done-though it is getting long enough that this may not be negotiable for long.
  • She will still have absolutely nothing to do with bottles. Sigh.
New things she is doing:
  • Eating, as mentioned above. Sadly she is the only child who at this age is not poop trained (on the potty). This is entirely our fault, both because we have 3 small people to tend to and because one or both of us has been injured nearly her whole life. Well, okay, to be fair she is also a ninja pooper. She will give no sign that she is going or has gone until we happen to check her diaper and there is poop in there! Keep in mind that she is held or worn most of the time-she is talented! Maybe that will change with the addition of solids. We hope.
  • Pushing up on all fours and wiggle-scooting across the floor. It's about to get real...gulp!
  • Acting like she might drop the third nap soon.
  • Reaching for people she wants.
She is such a sweet and snuggly little girl-just melts in your arms. There are definitely lots of moments when I wish to freeze time, yet I also am so excited to watch her continue to grow!

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