Saturday, April 2, 2016

2 Months Old

Elliana is 2 months old and growing fast! Ben mournfully observed that she is getting too big and strong for him to hold alone. The only possible solution? We need to get another small one! Ah, not quite the way it works bud, but I do understand what you mean!
This month, our sweet girl:

  • Has started smiling in response to parents and siblings-especially Ben. I think she equally likes Hadassah, but sister has a habit of getting VERY close to her face, so I am not sure she can see to smile back!
  • Will coo at us to get attention and is giggling a little bit!
  • We just started working on EC (training mom and dad to recognize when she needs to poop and dangling her over the potty to do the deed). So far she seems to know what to do over the potty, and I am still learning her signals. 
  • Started having a fussy period in the evening. She can usually be soothed but it's just a bit more work.
  • Is okay with being down for a few minutes at a time.
  • Is sleeping pretty well, waking maybe 4 times at night, I am not holding my breath for that to continue when I go back to work, but trying to enjoy it while it lasts!
  • Loves snuggling! She still sleeps a lot during the day as well, and mama just adores her sweet little form cuddled close!
  • Doesn't spit up nearly as much as her big siblings but when she does, boy is it spectacular!
Precious Elli-Joy, we are so glad you are part of our family, and I have enjoyed being your full time mommy the last few months. Unfortunately there is some separation trauma coming that I can't save you from before your next month update but I will be here as much as I can.

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