Wednesday, March 2, 2016

1 Month Old!

Elliana Joy is 1 month old today! The time always passes so incredibly quickly once they come out, it hardly seems fair! I blink and it is gone. Her first month of life was fairly eventful...she had only been home for less than 12 hours when she started screaming uncontrollably and was inconsolable so we were instructed to take her to the ER for evaluation. Thankfully she was just constipated and the rectal temperature taking cured her! Then at 1 week postpartum I developed delayed onset preeclampsia and had to be admitted to the hospital for 2 days. She came with, of course. Suffice it to say, as grateful as we are for our care providers and as much as I love Women's and Children's Hospital I am not wanting to be there as a patient again for a while! I think the craziness of this month makes it actually feel like less than a month has gone by.
This month:
Elliana has gone by her full name as well as several pseudonyms including Elli-Bug, Buggy, Elli, and of course terms of endearment like sweet girl.
She has 2-3 1-2 hour long periods of alert time. She definitely turns toward sounds, though it is hard to tell how well she is focusing visually.
She loves nursing. And does it frequently and with great focus! As a result, she is definitely starting to work on her chin collection. 😉
She poops so much! It's really a little ridiculous.
Her favorite place is snuggled on mommy's chest. Skin to skin time is even better!
She is starting to hold her head up more, though I think sometimes she doesn't when she could because she enjoys cuddling.
The loud noises from her siblings usually don't phase her one bit, even if she is asleep.
She sleeps better at night than either of her siblings at this point. While I know better than to expect this to last (usually 2-3 night wakings) I am enjoying it while it does!
Ben and Hadassah both adore her and frequently request to hold her. I am sure they will be even more interested in her as she gets older and more interactive.
Happy 1 month outside, sweet Elliana! I hope you know how much you are loved.

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