Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hadassah Grace-the First Month

My precious girl is a month old! I can hardly believe it-the last few weeks have truly flown. It is crazy how the last few days and weeks of pregnancy drag by and yet the first few of outside life pass in the blink of a sleep deprived eye!
So far she still loves to snuggle and she only has a few longer awake periods, though those have increased the last few days.  I am soaking up the snuggle time as much as I can!
She is pretty vocal both when awake and asleep. She has a groaning noise (which can quickly escalate to full in crying) for when her diaper is wet. The child absolutely despises having a wet or dirty diaper-in fact I think more of her night wakings are related to this than hunger (she often wants her diaper changed 4 times or more at night)-wish I could figure out how to do a diaper change without sitting up!! She also makes the sweetest little mmmm-mmmm noise while nursing, which is clearly her favorite activity!
I think this girl has some fire in her veins! She gets frustrated pretty quickly (mostly with nursing/latching and waiting for a letdown). This is getting better as she gets better at nursing-hopefully we will be able to help her channel all that passion and do amazing things with it! She is also such a sweet snuggly baby.
She definitely has a preference for Mommy right now-totally normal for a little baby. Josh has dubbed himself "the boobless one" and says she is unimpressed with him. I know that will change as she gets older and for right now I am snuggling her as much as I can. Josh pointed out that I am touching her at least 23 hours per day- probably true. I think a part of me desperately hopes that she can somehow store up the snuggles and love for when I abandon her...errr, return to work....just 8 short weeks from now. It kills me to know that I can't be there for her then. Anyway, that could be a blog post of its own, and may be one day, but not today.
The rest of us are doing famously! I am over my infection and just have a few weeks left of intense pelvic rest but already I feel so much better and have so much less pain than before she was born which is very encouraging! I am still struggling with energy but my dr thinks that is normal and a cumulative effect of the craziness my body has gone through the last 2 years, so she recommended rest and listening to my body, and we expect things will be much better there soon! I am absolutely loving being home with my kids-living my dream job even just for a little...snuggling my baby, playing and reading with my toddler, trips to the potty, snacks, and lots of hugs and cuddles and nursing!
Josh is incredibly busy with school. This is his last semester and it is a full one! He literally spends all day every day doing schoolwork and writing papers-I am so proud of how hard he is working! We don't know what is ahead when he is done but it is exciting to be almost there!
Ben is adapting to his big brother role beautifully! He is so sweet with his sister- the two of them pretty much melt my heart daily! His vocabulary expands daily though we are still working on using words instead of tantrums if things don't go our way...ongoing work in progress!! He will be so happy when winter is over as he clearly misses playing outside! He nurses about 5 times a day right now-I think it is helping the transition so not placing limits yet, though I will eventually. His favorite song is Jesus Loves Me and his favorite activity is taking baths or showers. Random, but hey, he's clean!
We love you all!

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