Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mother of 2

I suspect most of you know this by now, but we are expecting our second baby! We are extremely excited and happy. The children will be about 19 months apart, and while we are aware that this presents challenges, we are also excited about the potential blessings that can come with close spacing. Because Ben is so young, we have made the decision to allow him to continue nursing (he is not ready to wean, and I don't want to traumatize him, so as long as I have milk, I intend to let him continue nursing). I am due January 21st-Ben came exactly 3 weeks early to the day-so we will see if this baby comes in December or January!
So far, this pregnancy has been pretty different than my pregnancy with Ben.
For one thing, I am far more tired. I suspect that is because when I was pregnant with Ben, I was just working full time. Now I work full time, come home and chase/play with a toddler, work on my second job (small business to try to finance a trip to Texas and have a little extra money for all the expenses that come with us paying for Josh's education ourselves due to the changes in the GI bill), and then wake up several times at night to pee/nurse. It's pretty tiring, and I suspect a point will come soon where I have to simplify something, though for the life of me I am not sure what! Maybe if I can just hang in there for the rest of the first trimester, it will get better.
Morning sickness has been less wretched this time. I am absolutely still nauseated, but I am able to eat. By 9 weeks into my pregnancy with Ben (where I am now) I was eating AT MOST once per week, and sometimes far less frequently than that. I  never threw up, but I felt horrific anytime I ate anything, so mostly I just didn't. That would not work as well this time since I am still nursing Ben. So far, I have only had to skip a few meals and have only lost 5 lbs (last time I had lost almost 20 by this point). Also, I have been able to eat moderately sweet things (fruit mostly) this time, and actually that is often what has sounded appealing. With Ben, anything even a little bit sweet sounded utterly awful and wasn't going to happen! I cannot eat greasy things this time (cheese and meat), where with Ben if I could force myself to eat something, that was probably what it was going to be.
This pregnancy I have been extremely cold. I don't remember that with Ben.
I have also had a lot of dizziness this time. I did not have that in the first trimester with Ben, though I did in the second trimester. I often have black dots floating in my vision. I'm going to ask our doctor about that, as I'm not sure what it could be from (as I said, I am actually eating most of the time, and I am very conscientious about staying hydrated).
It will be interesting to see if things stay very different, or if they will be more similar later on in the pregnancy! It almost doesn't feel real, even though we have known for over a month. However, my symptoms are real enough!


  1. So crazy how different the pregnancies can be. I'm glad you're able to eat pretty regularly! Sad about your extra tiredness, but makes sense! I had that dizziness and black dots thing too, but only with Aleyah. For me it went away when I drank more water. I hope the doctor can give some insight into that. It can be scary. Exciting to hear y'all may come to Texas! Is Austin a city y'all might visit?

  2. Hey Jenn! I'm so late commenting on this; I took about a month-long break from reading blogs (not intentionally), but I started again tonight! Glad to hear your morning sickness isn't as bad this time around (though it still sounds yucky). I can't believe you're doing a side business in addition to all you're already doing!! You and Hannah Venable must be related. ;) When are you guys hoping to come to Texas? Is it for business or fun?

  3. Sorry guys, I just realized there were comments! I've been crazy busy apparently. We just got back from Texas-it was a whirlwind trip to see family and we literally didn't have time to come to Austin, though I would have loved to! Maybe next time. I miss you guys!
    Oh, and trust me, the side business was pure necessity, not because I have an excess of energy!
