Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy birthday, Beniah boy!

Yep, I'm a week late in posting this...we've been busy and sick, so that's my excuse. But better late than never, right?
There might also be a teeny tiny bit of denial at play here-I truthfully still feel like I should have a newborn in my arms, but my bouncing boy is indeed a full year old!
In a year of motherhood, I have learned that the moments are precious, nights can be very long, sleep is not to be taken for granted, the smiles are priceless, the hugs and laughter are beautiful, and my sweet son is growing more loved day by day!
He can walk now, meaning he can take a few steps across the room. He mostly does this if he isn't paying attention and wants something. He also will let go of support and stand on his own if he sees something he is interested enough in (there has to be proper motivation!). He has yet to take off on his own. He also doesn't really crawl. He CAN army crawl and get to what he wants, he just usually doesn't bother. He LOVES to charge around the house holding one or both hands, he loves to push his walker toys (while still holding onto us by at least one hand), and I think he is really close to walking on his own.
He still isn't talking much. I am positive he says "Daddy" and sometimes he says something that sounds like "mamama" (but I'm kind of thinking that means "milk" more than "mama"). He is very expressive despite the lack of words, though, and I'm sure those will come soon!
He waves and claps. He loves to play peekaboo.
He has also started patting us on the back while hugging us, which is super sweet. I realized we often do that to him. Sometimes I think he does it as a sign of affection-at other times it seems he is doing it because he wants us to do it to  him.
He enjoys playing in water (in the tub or in his new baby pool that Grandma and Grandpa got him for his birthday!). He also loves drinking water, but doesn't usually try to drink the water he is playing in.
He typically is only waking 1-3 times per night now, which is very nice! He's been sick the last week, so that has changed things quite a bit (read: he spent 3 nights in a row either screaming all night or not sleeping much, and only in the upright position) but I am hopeful we will return to the status quo as soon as he is better.
He loves fruit, especially strawberries, nectarines (only if he takes bites though, not if they are cut in pieces), and pineapple. He is less crazy about vegetables. And he is his father's son-meat and chees are still amazing in his book!
We do have occasional tantrums, I think usually caused by lack of communication/understanding, but overall he is a pretty mild natured little boy!
Happy birthday, sweet son. I have so enjoyed being your mother during your baby year, and I look forward to watching you as you enter toddlerhood!

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