Monday, May 13, 2013

11 Months!

Thsi past weekend, my sweet son officially became an 11 month old. As insane as this is to imagine, next time I write a blog post update on his age he will be A YEAR OLD! Whew. Fastest/craziest/great year of my life.
New things he is doing:
He DEFINITELY has more stranger anxiety and a MUCH stronger preference for Mommy and Daddy (and other people he knows). He's pretty good about going to my parents and siblings since they watch him while Josh is in school. The nursery is a bit more iffy, and he is definitely not thrilled when strangers try to hold him. Fair enough!
He sleeps in his own bed at least part of every night now (the thing that determines when/if he goes back into his own bed is whether I am awake enough to put him back in there after he nurses). He's actually really good about going to sleep there at night.
He is walking around like crazy-he still needs hands, but I have noticed a definite improvement in his balance-I think he'll be walking around with no problem really soon! His favorite thing is to walk-and preferably outside. He LOVES putting his shoes on because he knows that usually means we are going outside (I don't like him to walk barefoot outside because he has a habit of dragging the top of his toes on the pavement and scraping them up).
He has become more vocal again (he wasn't talking much when he first started walking but has recently started again). He says "Daddy" very clearly and definitely knows what it means. He says "Mamamama" too, but I have yet to determine if that means me or if it means "nurse."
He has become much more affectionate-he gives hugs really frequently (which is SO heartwarming and sweet), and he sometimes gives kisses too.
My favorite new development is that he has started becoming MUCH better about sleeping at night! He has had several nights where he woke up only 1-2 times. He does still have nights with 4-6 or more wakeups, but we are about 50/50 with good nights and tough ones now-so I am hoping this trend continues to move toward fewer and fewer awakenings! Mama definitely feels better on the nights when he sleeps longer!
He has 4 teeth now.
He still loves cheese.
I think those are the big things-time is still flying by far too quickly, and I feel like I am constantly trying to grasp the tender, wonderful moments and this life rushes by!

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