Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big boy!

 Picture comparison: 3 weeks (above) and 3 months (taken this morning). Good grief. He's getting kind of hard to hold this way...and his dad might end up with a monstrously big bicep on only one side!

 Dad multitasking with breakfast this morning....
We tried to keep it from happening, but we are giving up on trying to pull his hand out of his mouth. So far he mostly chews on his fist (everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I really do think he is teething) rather than sucking fingers. I don't recall meeting many older kids with a habit of stuffing their whole fist in their mouth and chomping, so I'm not as worried about how to break him of that habit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE this!!! So cute, Jenn! It IS crazy how much he has grown so quickly!
