Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 whole months of motherhood

Wow...my son is 2 months old. Time has just flown by so quickly! I thought it would go by slowly because I have been home, but if anything it seems to have gone by more quickly because of that. Our pace of life/normal is going to change again in just another 10 days or so as I go back to work, but I wanted to chronicle how dearly I have loved being able to be a full time mother for these first 2 months of Ben's life. He just started smiling in response...he is also making some really adorable coos and "talks" to me and his dad (especially on the changing table). Awwww.... :-)
Things I love:
Mornings are so fun! He's usually a little grumpy while he is in the process of waking up, but then we change his diaper and he wakes all the way up and he is so cute! We can count on at least 30 minutes of relaxed hangout time with the 3 of us in bed cuddling, talking/cooing, smiling/laughing...and then it ends abruptly with his first dirty diaper of the day, which he does around 8:30 like clockwork! Haha...oh, the joys of having children!
The way his eyes light up when he smiles at me. :-)
He does this really cute coo/sigh thing after he sneezes. It's almost like he has enough air for another sneeze but doesn't have the sneeze, so he lets it out as an "Oawwhhh" noise which is so adorable! You probably have to be there to understand how cute this is.
The way his eyelids flutter as he is going to sleep, but not quite there yet...
Snuggling while he is sleeping...even though it's a little inconvenient that he's not very good at staying asleep unless he is touching someone, it is so sweet that he likes to cuddle.
The way that (for now) I can fix even the most tragic tragedy for him...I think he loves his mommy. 
Make sure you have your volume on when you watch the video...he's demonstrating smiling and cooing...and how quickly tragedy can strike!
Things he loves:
Nursing is still his favorite and he does a LOT of it! He's a messy eater like his daddy so sometimes we both end up covered in milk. We have his 2 month appointment on Friday and I am interested to see how much he weighs!!
Going outside is fun...not sure if it's all the things to look at or the temperature or what!
Pooping, spitting up, and sneezing...all at once! And then spraying dad during his diaper change. Sometimes we ask him if there are any other body fluids he would like to deposit on us!
Wiggle time on his fleece...in small increments!
Sucking on his Wubbanub...a soothie pacifier with a 6 inch stuffed animal attached. He has a lamb one and a triceratops one.
Being worn. The sling and the Moby are both acceptable but the Moby is a faster ticket to dreamland!
Comparison pics...look how much he has grown! 1 week old

2 months...and very serious!

Totally gratuitous cute baby picture!

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