Thursday, February 2, 2017

Happy birthday, Elli Joy!

Today is Elliana's first birthday. I truly feel like she cannot possibly be this old-MAYBE 6 months, but a whole year, already??
This month she:
Has developed more language. One really super cute thing she does is try to participate in conversations. If Josh and I are talking she will inject a "Yeah!" with very emphatic nodding of her entire body and head. She also will sometimes do this when we ask her a question. So adorable!
Developed a new love for the second law of thermodynamics and helping that entropy process along. She adores pulling out and spreading Tupperware lids ALL OVER THE FLOOR. She also discovered the unmatched sock hamper last night and was in heaven!
Really discovered the joys of eating with utensils. She thinks this is super fun. It is also super messy, but hey. Part of the learning process, right?
She is cruising more, and pulls up on literally everything. She is also starting to have more trunk control and enjoy walking holding onto our hands. I think we are still a bit away from independent walking, which is totally fine with me.
She still nurses pretty frequently but is definitely extremely interested in food. She especially loves chicken, cheese, yogurt, and broccoli...and oranges, bananas...she is really not picky.
She LOVES her siblings, and loves to dance and sing with them.
Elliana Joy, we are so so happy you are in our family, and I look forward to continuing the adventure with you!

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