Wednesday, June 15, 2016

4 Months of Joy

Elli-ana, Elli, Elli-ana, Elliana, Elliana Joy!
We have now had our precious baby bug for 4 months! She is such a lovely little addition to our family.
I am pretty much giving up on her taking bottles. Her disposition is such that I think she  might have taken one, but she had the tongue issue and wouldn't accept plastic, and I think now it's too late. So her wonderful daddy has made the incredible sacrifice of driving her to me multiple times a day. I am also able to keep her with me a few afternoons a week and that helps.
Since she is eating during the day (unlike certain other children of mine) she actually is a pretty good sleeper at night! We are usually up 2-3 times for a quick feed (she is also a very efficient nurser and can usually eat in under 5 minutes) and she has had a few times where she has given me 4-6 hour stretches...amazing at this age! I am still tired, but that has more to do with me changing my work hours to 6-4 to try to get home sooner to see kids more during their waking hours and help Josh more. I do enjoy getting to see them more during their waking hours though, so it is worth the sleep deprivation!
Elli started rolling over this month! I have only seen her going from back to front and then she gets stuck (and frustrated!) with her arms under her...though to be fair, this little lady is a super sweet snuggler and loves being in arms so she isn't really down very much.
Things she loves: raspberries on her tummy, tickles, her big sister saying "Ah-goo!" and laughing, her brother doing just about anything, daddy dancing with her, mommy nursing (but only if she is hungry!), being worn (though she isn't crazy about the process of being wrapped!), and baby TV (the fish tank).
She is somehow able to laugh without smiling, it's kind of an odd thing, but still cute!
I look forward to seeing you continue to grow, sweet girl, though time is already going way too quickly for this mama! Ben says that we need to put another tiny baby in mommy's tummy because you are growing too fast and getting hard for him to hold.

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