Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hadassah Grace, 11 months

This is for my precious 11-month-old, so you will know what you were like and how you were loved during your 11th month of life. :-)
Hadassah Grace has perfected the art of walking this month. She went from taking a few tentative steps (with lots of tumbles) to walking all over the place (still with some tumbles, but not as many!) and is also now able to squat down and stand back up unassisted and stand without pulling up on anything. It's crazy how she has seemed to transform into a toddler this month-I am sure not related to the walking specifically, but they seem to have happened at the same time!
She is talking a little bit. Words I am certain I have heard include: Daddy, hi, heyyyyy, "where'd she go? Der she is!" (while playing peekaboo), bye (while waving), and yes. She has also become much more expressive this month.
There has been some frustration this month too, as she has many times when she seems to simultaneously want to be down exploring and held, so that is always interesting!
She is eating just about everything now. She seems to especially like meat, pomegranates, grapes, and cheese (we just started cheese a week or so ago).
She got 9 (yes, 9) teeth at the same time last week while we were at Granna and Pawesome's house. 5 top front teeth and 4 molars. Given that she has only gotten 1 at a time up until now, that was impressive (and clearly very uncomfortable, poor baby!). So now she has 12 total. I guess if you're going to get them, go for it all at once!
She loves her brother so much and likes to give him kisses or pat his head while they nurse together. She also likes to give him hugs and holds his hand sometimes. She looks for him if we ask her where Ben is. :-)
She still nurses a lot (and frequently at night)-I am sure she needs it to replace all the calories she is burning by exploring non stop!
She is still our little night owl and often doesn't want to go to bed until we do, which I guess is good since she still doesn't like to sleep unless she is touching people. She is still pretty good about falling asleep wherever though, so that is helpful in terms of her not needing to be in a super quiet/dark environment for sleep to occur.
I cannot believe our sweet girl is this old! We love having her in our family-and yet I view the onward rush of time with a bit of a bittersweet taste in my mouth as I wish things would slow down just a tad so I could enjoy them more deeply! But...onward and upward!

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