Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Family Update

I don't remember the last slow day I had at work, but I'm having one now, so you get an update post (finally)! We are generally doing pretty well-enjoying the change of seasons as we move from summer into fall.
Josh is in his second-to-last semester of school! He is taking higher level English classes, including some writing classes, and seems to be (mostly) enjoying them. I think the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to feel a little more real! He is still doing a great job of taking care of Ben and meals while doing so much with school-I am so impressed by his ability to juggle all of it, as I think I would have had a hard time doing the same when I was in school. He is still helping with security and projection at church and seems to be enjoying that.
Ben is continuing to grow and get bigger (and cuter, not that I'm biased or anything!) each day. He is 100% convinced that he needs help to walk, but I have seen him stand and walk (and stand up unaided in the middle of the floor) when he is sufficiently distracted, so we'll see how long it takes him to figure out that he can do it on his own! He talks a little bit now, and I have a suspicion that he actually says more words than I give him credit for. His favorite game right now is to get up on Daddy's back (he says "Dahh--eee"-SO cute!) and say "Go go go!" while poking Josh in the back until he gets his desired result-a galloping piggyback ride! My siblings are teaching him all kinds of "cute" tricks, like how to burp on command, apparently. My sister drinks a bunch of water and then belches afterward (and that's how she taught him) so now he thinks anytime he drinks a lot of liquid, he needs to do the same (he doesn't actually burp, he just makes a growling kind of noise, but that's what he's trying to do). The funniest thing is when he pulls off after nursing and does it. He is still nursing about 3 times per day-I don't think he is going to wean, so we will probably be experiencing tandem nursing in a few months. He was dry nursing (ouch) for a while there, but now I think he is getting milk (or colostrum?) again. He is almost always sleeping through the night, which is amazing! He has started fighting sleep (naps and bedtime)-I think because he thinks we pull out the party hats when he goes to sleep (he would be disappointed if he saw what we actually do-I keep trying to tell him we are very boring people after he goes to bed, but he doesn't believe me!) but once he's down, he usually stays down-which is SO nice and helpful especially after so many months of waking 4-8+ times per night.
Hadassah and I are doing okay. We got rear ended on the way to work last week, which kicked off some fairly intense contractions and cramping that had all of us concerned for a while, but after monitoring and testing, it appears that all is well. She is certainly a VERY active little girl! More so than I remember Ben being at this age, though I know there are all kinds of things that can impact how much you feel movement (placenta placement, etc.). I am struggling with energy and endurance at work, but that is completely normal and expected. I'm afraid my "housekeeping" (read that as "lack thereof") is what shows that lack of energy the most. Oh well. At some stage of life, I will have a clean house for more than a few hours (ahahahahaha!!!!!! Aren't I hilarious! Or delusional...) Anyway, there's the short and sweet-hope you all are doing well! I can't promise more frequent updates, but know we love you all and miss the ones we can't see frequently!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! I love hearing about Ben and how he's growing and learning. So scary about your car accident - Praise God you and baby girl are okay! We love you guys!
