Monday, February 20, 2012

Updates/A Little bit of Life

I don't really have a "heavy" or terribly exciting topic to write on right now, so thought I'd share some updates and just catch you guys up on what has been going on in the Stone household lately (you know, besides that we are having a baby boy! Nah, we're not at all still stoked about that...haha).
Work is going well overall. I really like my new coworkers, and the patient load is pretty manageable, especially compared to what I was doing before. One really neat thing about the place where I work is that many of the physicians who refer to us work in the same building, so we can go bug them in clinic or ask them questions, bring up concerns, etc. without having to pass through front desk scrutiny. Also, anyone who has been referred from anywhere in the university system (orthopedics, OB, family practice, etc.) has an electronic file that I have access I can see imaging reports, operative reports, etc. without having to call and request those. I think that helps me give better care to my patients in a more efficient manner. I definitely miss the people at my old job, but this job allows me to have a better balance...and sometimes I even get to sit down during the day, which is helpful with my growing belly.
We found a church! We actually didn't have to visit as many as I/we were afraid we might have to...we found the one that felt like "home" on the third try. The first one was a pretty massive's a good church and doctrinally sound, but pretty much polar opposite of everything we were looking for stylistically. The first one was okay, but way too big. This one is a really good size, the music is great, the teaching is solid, and they focus on living life together. We are still checking out community groups (small groups...your "church family" within the church). The first one we went to was entirely made up of college and graduate students...not necessarily bad (though I had the eerie/odd experience of feeling very old for the first time!), but I was kind of hoping for one with other moms in it. I feel like I'm going to need support/encouragement, and while it's not required that it come from a community group per se, I think it would be helpful. So we're checking out a slightly older group this week, and then we'll decide. We may still stick with the young group. Thoughts are welcome!
I now definitely do better in maternity clothes. I have a small stash that I hope I can mix and match to get me through the rest of the pregnancy. It will help that the end of my pregnancy will be in the summer, so if I get desperate, I can always just wear giant muumuus (or I guess a dress with a flowy skirt would work too). :-) I have decided that I really like how comfortable maternity clothes are (why don't they make regular clothes this comfortable???), but find some of the pattern and color choices on the fabrics odd. For one thing, apparently everyone thinks that pregnant women want to wear mostly pink. All shades of pink, I have no problem with pink (though for myself, I prefer a berry color to true pink), but I certainly don't want to wear it all the time! For another, I have seriously seen some shirts that I don't think should be worn by anyone who is the right age to be pregnant (think super tacky old lady with blue hair kind of shirts). And also, most of them are either super ruffly, super glittery, or have large rhinestones on them. Wow...not exactly my style! But I have found some that I can wear for work and some for casual wear, and without spending too much money (just had to go to multiple stores to find them, which is fine).
Anyway, that's all that is going on here...we really aren't doing a whole lot of exciting things these days. I feel bad for Josh sometimes...his boring wife is usually tired out from working, where he is full of energy and ready to do stuff by the time I get home at the end of the day. I have improved in energy levels over my first trimester, but still get tired relatively easily. That's all for now, folks! :-)

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