Friday, January 11, 2013

A Very Merry Un-Birthday...

Ben is 7 months old today. Whew! I can hardly believe it! I know, I know-I say that every month, but this kid astonishes me with his super power-he makes time speed up to super mach/warp speed!
New things he is doing:
He recognizes us now. I am halfway convinced he MIGHT know who "Daddy" is (he usually looks at Josh if I say "Daddy") and Josh thinks he might also know his name (Ben).
He thinks it is hilarious if I say "Ben-aye-UHHHHHHH!!!" in a growly voice. :-)
He laughs pretty easily now, although it's so funny...something can be HILARIOUS and then we get to some magical turning point and he gives a faint little laugh (like "okay, I'm humoring you now, Mom") and then the next time you do it he gives you this look that says, "Okay, that was SO 2 seconds ago."
He can sit up by himself. He doesn't always have the best balance yet, but he can do it.
He rolls both ways at will. He can also scoot himself around in a circle, but I'm not sure he can purposely get anywhere in particular yet.
He's a fan of most fruits and veggies that we have tried so far. Current favorites seem to be sweet potatoes, carrots (though he liked the spicy ones we fished out of a soup more than just regular cooked carrots), and  bananas.
He goes to bed by himself now. Most evenings he wakes up and cries a little bit (10-15 minutes) and then goes back to sleep, but last night he just stayed asleep until we came to bed! I like that better-I hate listening to him cry!!!
He has his two bottom teeth. Good heavens, I had no idea how SHARP baby teeth are when they first break through (it makes sense that they would need to be in order to get through the gums). I am no longer so gung-ho about letting him use my fingers (or anything else) as a chew toy.
He likes music still, but me singing freaks him out. Literally, he looks scared and cries.
He likes to grab our faces, bring us close to him, and then suck my chin or Josh's nose. Not sure why I get the chin and Josh gets the nose (I think I get the better end of that bargain!).
He gives Eskimo kisses by coming in close and then shaking his head back and forth. SO cute.
He still would way prefer being held than anything else. He'll tolerate some tummy time and such, but he's happiest in arms.
First up, some size comparisons...I think he was a couple of weeks old in the first picture, the second was taken today.
Oh, yeah, I forgot...the other new thing is he LOOOVVVESSS to stick his tongue out at people. LOL.

Sitting with my bunny

Whoa, there goes the balance....will he catch himself?

Nope! Oh well...we'll keep working on that skill. ;-)
Below, the sloth hold is not as simple as it once was!! Daddy's getting some massive guns! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Just now seeing this...SUPER cute post! I love seeing the comparison shots of Ben! He's huge!! And I love that fun picture of you and Ben!
