Sunday, April 1, 2012

Living things...

Time for another picture post!
We have a yard for the first time, which means we can also have a garden! So this is our "eensie weensie" first garden. There are 3 growing seasons here, so this little bed just has a bunch of "cool season" plants...spinach, lettuce, and broccoli. I've never grown any of these things before, so we'll see what happens! We've had them for about 3 weeks now and they are growing quickly (faster than the weeds!) so hopefully that is a good sign!

This is the view from our back yard...our yard itself is pretty small, but we back up to a huge farm (there are cows back there!) so we get the look of having acreage without the upkeep. Kind of nice (though I do wish we had acreage for one reason: I want a baby alpaca!).
 Mattie is positive the backyard is her domain. She lets us come in it, but it is unquestionably hers. I seriously don't know how she survived as an apartment dog...she LOOVVESSS the yard so much!

The college here has an agriculture school, and several times a year, they sell the plants that the students have raised (that's actually where we got our garden plants as well). We got these 2 lovely house plants! I don't remember the name of the one above, but I really like it-the leaves are almost as pretty as the flowers! The one on the left  is a geranium-but I have never seen a geranium in these colors before!

Of course, baby Ben is growing! (sorry for the slightly messy bathroom by the way) What is hilarious to me is that I STILL get people who say, "Oh, are you pregnant?" in a kind of shocked tone of voice (not the "Oh, I thought you might be, but didn't want to take a chance" voice but the truly "Oh wow, I had no idea!" voice). I just took these photos today (I am 27 weeks, 1 day today) and this scenario happened to me today when I met a neighbor! Now I understand none of these people have ever seen me not pregnant, but I think it's kind of obvious at this point...maybe not, though. To me it is most obvious from the side, and you really can't tell from the back (front is not as obvious, but I think you can still tell from the front)...BUT...I feel like I should be getting "so, when are you due?" more often than "Oh wow, are you EXPECTING??!!" at this point. Who knows...I decided I think it's funny (no point in getting upset or offended, right?).
I tried to take pictures of our fish tank, but the fish never stop moving, so all the pictures are blurry. So instead, you get this lovely little video! I get a probably unreasonable amount of enjoyment from this tank-I find it so relaxing to sit and watch them...kind of like a piece of living artwork, I guess!
So yep, not much substance here today, but you have to have a "fun post" every once in a while to balance out the heavy philosophical ones, right??


  1. The plant on top is cyclamin, which mom is convinced looks like church ladies' big hats... I'm so glad Mattie is loving her new home, and glad you guys are, too! I think the only reason people don't know you're pregnant must be because you're taller. But you're getting there! I feel like a pregnant little goat. Have you ever seen one?
    You'll get to this point soon enough! :)

  2. Haha, Anna!! I don't think you look quite that big! I'd never seen one of those before...thanks for the laugh on this Monday! And thanks for the plant ID! :-)

  3. I'm late on commenting, but great pictures, Jenn! That's so fun that Mattie gets to run around now, and you get to have a garden. Focus on those perks of having a yard. :)
