Sunday, August 14, 2016

6 months of Joy

Elli is 6 months old! You would think by the third kid I would cease to be amazed by the speed with which time flies, but not so much...
She continues to be such a delight to our family! We have had a tough month, mom and dad are both injured (my foot, his shoulder) but the smiles from this little one are lovely!
She rolls and scoots. No crawling yet, which is really okay with mommy!
She went through a brief "now I love pacifiers" phase which got mom thinking maybe bottles would be possible. Not so much!
She has become very expressive and talkative which is very fun but also means her days of coming to work with me are numbered and nearly at an end. I do so appreciate having had the ability to snuggle her in the afternoons just a little longer though!
She ninja poops! Seriously she gives no sign whatsoever and also doesn't have a specific time of day that she poops. This means we rarely catch the poop on the potty. Which may be okay as neither parent is really physically able to do that right now anyway.
She loves to nurse while holding her foot and/or sticking it in her ear.
She is not interested in solids yet. Which is fine, she is still very young! And mommy is okay with not having to deal with solid food poop in cloth just yet.
She loves to touch faces, giggle with her siblings, snuggle, and be worn. She loooovvvesss anything that crinkles.
She is getting her first tooth.
Precious girly, you are so loved!