Thursday, December 11, 2014

10 Months Old

I have exactly 1 day to get this update done!!
Our precious Hadassah Grace is 10 months old, and she is such a source of joy, love, and entertainment!
New developments of note this month:

  • She is walking!! She has been cruising for a while, and taking tentative steps for a while, but she is now officially what I would consider a walker. She still crawls if she is in a hurry, and sometimes she "chickens out" if she realizes she has gotten herself into the middle of a room, but she really has pretty good balance! It is so funny for me to see her tiny little self toddling along-since Ben didn't really walk unaided until he was around 16 months old, this whole 10 month old walking thing is uncharted territory for us!
  • She does NOT like to be "by self"-I have been trying to put her down to sleep on her own until we come to bed, and that usually lasts all of 30-45 minutes. Josh was out last night so I tried to experiment by lying next to her while reading. She stayed asleep-opened her eyes a couple of times to see if I was still there (I wasn't touching her). Then I went downstairs to get something and within a few minutes she was up crying. I know she will grow out of this with time, and I am glad she is attached and loves us.
  • She has started to be a little bit less anxious about strangers and changes in her environment. She definitely still wants the reassurance of mommy and daddy close by, but she is okay with other people talking to her and (sometimes) holding her.
  • She is a little carnivore! Seriously, she eats rather alarming amounts of meat (all foods, but she especially loves meat). She also nurses a lot-gotta keep those rolls! (I really do hope she keeps at least some of them-I love her chunky little legs)
  • She is so deeply in love with her big brother, and he returns the affection! The other day I had Hadassah and Daddy had Ben, and Ben kept asking Daddy over and over "Where is Dassah Grace? Where's seester?"
  • She still has night owl tendencies. She often acts ready for bed around 8-8:30 (brother is ready to go down at 6:45-7:30 depending on the night) and sometimes she will stay down for the  night-other times she wakes up around 9:30 and wants to play until super late-which doesn't work out all that great for me as I often have work the next day (and even if I don't, her early morning bird brother very rarely lets anyone sleep later than 7)!
  • She nurses at least 2-3 times during the night, which is such an incredible improvement over what her brother was doing at this age! I feel ridiculously less zombie-ish with this nursing experience, for which I am truly grateful!
  • She has started signing for "all done" and "nurse" as well as waving. 
  • Her smile can light up a room and fill our hearts with joy!